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This example is covering database installation using the 'DB Tool' provided by 'USU GmbH'.

Best practice:

  1. Create the database with following options enabled:
    • ANSI NULL Default = True
    • ANSI NULLS Enabled = True
    • Recursive Triggers Enabled = True

  2. Connect to the database using the DB Tool:
    • DBMS = MS SQL Server 2005 or higher
    • ConnectName = DATABASE_NAME
    • User = db_admin_user
    • Password = db_admin_password
    • Qualifier = db_qualifier
    • Host = db_host
    • PortNr. = db_post

  3. Execute the 'VM_Create_Base_Complete.sql' script for the base database OR the 'VM_Create_Demo_Complete.sql' for the full demo database.

    Alternatively, there are Unicode variants of those scripts available.

    Example: 'VM_Create_Demo_Complete_Unicode.sql'

See Also