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Displaying Objects Out-of-view

If reservations exist before or after the currently displayed time period, each row with an 'out-of-view' reservation starts or ends (depending on the reservation existing 'before' or 'after', respectively) with a red double-arrow. Clicking an arrow at the beginning of a row shifts the view so that it starts with the nearest reservation which was formerly out-of-view on the left (i.e. before the displayed time interval). Clicking an arrow at the end of a row shifts the view so that it ends with the nearest reservation which was formerly out-of-view on the right (i.e. after the displayed time interval).


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Reservations before the currently displayed time period exist in rows 1,2,3, and 5. Clicking the red arrow in row 3 ...

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... shifts the view so that the currently displayed time period starts with the nearest reservation in row 3. The currently visible period shifts to also start at the same point.

See Also

Operations in the Timeline View

Time Intervals in the Timeline View

Navigation Buttons

Complete Percentage

Operations in the Timeline View

Period Filtering