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Working with the 'News' Catalog

To create a news message:

  1. Open the 'News' catalog. (You may need to add the catalog to the sidebar first.)
  2. Use the right-click context menu to call action 'Create. The 'New: News' editor opens.
  3. Fill in the individual fields (see below for details).
  4. Save the changes.


The 'News' editor contains the following fields:

  • Title

    Write a title of the message.

  • Status

    Status makes it possible to specify in which stage of it life cycle the news message is. Only messages in status 'Active/Published' are displayed to users.

    Set a new message to status 'Initialized' if the is not ready to be published yet, set it to status 'Active/Published' to enable it for being displayed. Note that 'Validity' condition must also be met for the message to be displayed.

  • News-Channel

    Select a news channel to which the message will belong.

  • Pinned

    If selected, the message will be pinned. Pinned messages are always shown on top of the InfoObject, the normal messages are going to be listed below then.

    Via Global Settings, end users may or may not be allowed to pin/unpin messages themselves. If the former applies, selecting 'Pinned' in the editor specifies a default value for message pinning. If the latter applies, using the editor is the only way to specify message pinning.

  • Main Language

    Shows the main language of the news. It is useful especially when a language variant is present (see below).

  • News

    Write the content of the message. You can use the full scope of editing capabilities of the Rich Text Editor.

  • Validity - Visibility

    Specify the visibility and validity of the message.

    Validity is the main timeframe in which the news item is valid. Visibility can shorten this timeframe to a fraction for which the data is visible.


    Not visible unless updated - A regular news message is created as valid for the whole year, but with some specific content it is visible only for the current month. The next month the content is deprecated and should not be visible any longer unless it is updated and set to visible again.

    Not visible unless further specified - A "General warning message" exists which is generally valid but is set to visible only with specific add-on information for a short period of time.

  • Language Variants

    Here you can create a different language variant of the news.

    To create a language variant:

    1. Call context menu action 'Create'.

      The 'News (language variant)' dialog box appears.

    2. Select the desired Language, write a Title and the content.
    3. Use the 'News' field to write the message in the above selected language.
    4. Click 'OK' to confirm.

      The language variant will be created.

See Also

News Administration

Working with the 'News Channel' Catalog

Authorization of the News Channels