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Selection Installation/Configuration: Database

On the Selection Installation/Configuration page, a user can decide what kind of installation he wants to run.

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The following installation (configuration) options are available:

  • Rich Client for Administrator

    This component is used for the administration of Valuemation.

  • Rich Client for End-User

    This Valuemation component is used by the actual end-users.

  • Rich Client for Customizer

    This component is intended for Valuemation customizers (Valuemation with Jetty).

  • Escalation Server

    This component is meant for the escalation functionality. On the windows platform, a service will be created. This service starts automatically at the computer startup. Additionally, an option to create a scheduled task for the Mail-In-Interface is provided under Windows.

  • VM Webclient configure

    Configuration of the *.war/*.ear files of the Valuemation Webclient. After the configuration, the *.war/*.ear file is ready for deployment.

  • Create Database

    Using this option, the Valuemation database will be created.

Click 'Next' to proceed.

See Also

Creating a Database

Language Selection

The Welcome Page

Accepting the License Conditions

Database Scripts

Valuemation Directory and Database Driver

Connection Parameters

Database Creation

Installation and Configuration