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Communication Server

If selected in the previous step, the Communication Server is required for the Mail-in interface.

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The following settings are available:

  • Mail connection

    Select one of the following options: Microsoft Exchange Server, Mapi, Lotus Notes, Novell Groupwise, POP3 / SMTP-Server.

  • Database connection
    • ODBC: Connection via ODBC
    • MSSQL
    • Connection via database driver Oracle
    • Connection via database driver DB2
    • Connection via database driver MSORA
    • Connection via Microsoft OLEDB
  • Server

    IP Address of the Mail Server.

  • Username

    The database user.

Click 'Next' to proceed.

Note that since Valuemation version 4.6, 'Valuemation Enterprise Integrator' is the preferred mail-in interface solution.

See Also

Installing the Rich Client for the Administrator

Language Selection

The Welcome Page

Accepting the License Conditions

Selecting Installation/Configuration: Administrator

Further Components to Install

JRE and Database Driver

Server and DB Connection Parameters

Verifying Credentials

Process Engine and Console

Installation Directory


Installation and Configuration