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Contract Manager at a Glance

Valuemation Contract Manager aims at efficient management of contract-related information. Together with the Procurement Manager it helps to handle the acquisition of IT infrastructure products and services. The acquired infrastructure can then be further administered by Valuemation Asset Manager.

With Valuemation Contract Manager, you can:

  • Document and manage all IT-relevant contracts in one database
  • Provide up-to-date, reliable and detailed contract data to IT managers, the purchasing department, service desk and other interested parties
  • Pre-plan contracts and keep track of contract utilization
  • Administer contract payments and payment schedules

Relations to Other Valuemation Modules

  • Relation to the Procurement Manager

    The Contract Manager makes use of many Procurement Manager features, such as payment schedules, supplier prices, incoming of goods. The concept and functionality of contracts (Contract Manager) and orders (Procurement Manager) are closely related.

  • Relation to the Asset Manager

    Asset Manager object types are the general building blocks of inventory management. It is strongly suggested to implement asset management as a basis before implementing procurement and contract management on top of it.

  • Relation to the Planning/Calculation Manager

    The Planning/Budgeting Manager enhances Contract Manager functionality with administration of payments and payment schedules.