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Enabling the Embedded Jetty

By default the functionality is disabled. It can be enabled and configured using the following parameters in the 'set_env.bat' file:


  • -Drunembeddedjetty=[true|false]


The parameters below can be used to additionally configure the Jetty. In most cases, however, it should not be necessary and the default values can be used.

  • -Dembeddedjettywar=[relative path to web application folder] (e.g. Sources/vmweb/tomcat)
  • -Dembeddedjettyhost=[host name] (default: localhost)
  • -Dembeddedjettyport=[port number] (default: 8087)
  • -Dembeddedjettycontextpath=[] (default: /vmwebjetty)

Note that the structure of the Valuemation installation folder differs slightly between 'normal' Valuemation rich client and the Jetty version. For instance, the standard path to image files '<root>/images' changes for the Jetty version to '<root>/war/images'.

See Also

Embedded Jetty

Using the Embedded Jetty
