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4.2.HOTFIX, 4.1.HOTFIX and earlier

The action "Setup CTI User Setting" requires to have permission to read S3User.

Explanation: The information, which user a dialog "Setup CTI User Setting" is opened for, is stored in a relation attribute "user" of the dialog object. The Workwlow which creates a user-specific mainparameter (after a user presses the 'OK' on the dialog box) retrieves the user from the relation attribute "user". If the user does not have a permission to read S3User, the authorization process prohibits a script to read "user" relation attribute of the dialog object.

The end-user should be able to setup his CTI settings without the need to have a permission to read S3User. Moreover, such a permission cannot be defined in the Authorization Manager directly. It can be assigned indirectly just (e.g.) as the Permission Set "Bpm Process Participant - Performer" or a right to open the User Manager.

Workaround: Create a workflow to enter just the value of Monitored Address or Workplace (for Sikon Agent One) and save it to the mainparameter. This should be enough for end-users, they do not need all options of Setup CTI User Settings dialog box.

Solution: The action "Setup CTI User Settings" was fixed not to require a permission to read S3User, which is usually allowed only to administrator, in 4.3, see I-35939 (#033633).


To use "Setup CTI User Settings", a user must have permissions:

a) to execute workflow "CTI.Settings.forUser"

b) to write into mainparameters with PATH = "CTI"

c) to write into mainparameters with PATH = "scm.ticket.options" and PARAM = "caller.autoclose"

See Also

Setup CTI User Settings

Socket Server Settings

Autoclose Call Acceptance