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Assigning an Image to Item Type / Offer

On item types and offers, we have to distinguish between a calculated image and an image assigned as 'Main Picture'.

Unlike item class, these object types can have more images assigned to them:

  • The Master section of the Item Type editor contains a picture field displaying an image inherited from the object's 'Main Picture' attribute or from other object types in the 'Offer - Item Class - Item Type' hierarchy. No image assignment can be done here.
  • The 'Pictures' section contains the 'Shop Picture' assigned to the item type and also a control with all pictures in the object attachments. The 'Pictures' section is where images can be assigned.

To assign an image to a item class or offer, do one of the following:

  • Use standard Windows functionality to copy a picture to the clipboard and go back to the 'Pictures' section. Right-click inside the 'Main Picture' field and select 'Paste picture from clipboard'.
  • Right-click inside the 'Shop Picture' field and use the 'Attach a picture from file' action to browse and attach an existing image file.
  • Pasting an image from the clipboard or attaching it from file also inserts it to the object's attachments. If the 'Shop Picture' attribute already contained an image, the image gets replaced by the new one but remains in the object's attachments.
  • Right-click inside the 'Shop Picture' field and use the 'Link to picture in attachments' action to assign one of the pictures attached to the object as the object's 'Shop Picture'.

Images for Offer Categories

Images can also be assigned to offer categories. Manual assignment of offer category images can be done in the offer category editor.

See Also

Images in Service Requesting

Best Practice for Shop Images

Assigning an Image to Item Class

Manual Assignment of Images According to Their Names