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Progress Bar Introduction

A Progress Bar is a window that an application can use to indicate the progress of a lengthy operation. In general, it is used to convey the progress of a task such as a download or a file transfer. The range of the progress bar represents the entire duration of the operation, and the current position represents the progress that the application has made toward completing the operation.

Valuemation Progress Bar is set and used in situations where the extent and progress of a task (a workflow) is beneficial to depict. Unlike Windows, the bar uses fixed, wizard-like steps which not only show the steps already done but also display the remaining steps to be completed.

The following picture shows a sample of the Valuemation Progress Bar in use:

Help Image

Workflow (A) has a progress bar (B) defined in a script which takes effect after it has been launched. This particular progress bar consists of four tasks which guide you through the process of a new Issue creation like a wizard.

Valuemation Progress Bar indicates:

  • steps already done
  • current step (to be handled)
  • next steps to be done and their number

The distinctive colors enable you to distinguish among the steps in a well arranged manner.

The steps can represent either business process tasks or steps of a task assigned to a user. The progress bar is customizable (a Valuemation customizer can decide and set what the bar will indicate).

In This Chapter

General Process Example

Class Diagram and API

See Also

Progress Bar

Customization in Valuemation