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CSV Import Settings Editor

The 'CSV Import settings' editor is where parameters of the particular CSV import can be precisely specified.

The window is called by opening an existing import settings definition or directly by calling the 'CSV Import setting' action from the sidebar (this is true when no previously saved import settings definition exists).

The Editor consists of 2 setting tabs, 'Master' and 'Setting'. Find a detailed description about every option below.


Import Settings Attribute

Function / Meaning

Object Type

Specifies business object type to which data is to be imported.

Exported Objects Filter

Filter used for the exported object.


The name under which the import definition is/will be saved.

File Path

Path to the CSV file to be imported.

The first two lines of the file and displayed below in the 'First line' and 'Second line' fields so that you can see what you are importing.

First Line

Displays the first line of the file selected in the 'File Path' field.

Second Line

Displays the second line of the file selected in the 'File Path' field.


Import Settings Attribute

Function / Meaning




Sets the delimiter.This is useful when importing a CSV file coming from a different language environment than the one it is being imported into. See also the language environment issue in the Import Considerations topic.

Decimal Separator

Sets the decimal separator. See the language environment consideration in 'Delimiter' above.

Thousands Separator

Sets the thousands separator. See the language environment consideration in 'Delimiter' above.

Quoted Delimiter

Sets the quote sign. See the language environment consideration in 'Delimiter' above.

Date Format

Enables to set the date format. The format set here must match the date format used in the imported file.

You should check the date format in the imported file (either by opening the file or using the 'First Line, Second Line' preview) and adjust the import Date format correspondingly.

The date format specified here is the default format for all datetime attributes in this import. It is, however, possible to specify date format independently for each imported column (attribute), this can be done in the 'Date format' column of the 'Columns' tab.

Time Format

Sets the time format. The format set here must match the format used in the imported file.

The date format specified here is the default format for all time attributes in this import. It is, however, possible to specify date format independently for each imported column (attribute), this can be done in the 'Date format' column of the 'Columns' tab.

Timestamp format

Sets the timestamp format. The format set here must match the format used in the imported file.



Settings for Import


Include Header

Includes the header from the CSV file.

Translate attribute names

Are translated attribute names to be used?

Resolve and display value from valueset

If possible, resolves and displays values from valueset.

Trim spaces from left/right

Trims spaces from left or tight.

Convert input to character set

Set the character set for the input to be converted to.

TRL setting

Set the TRL setting here.

Run Workflow

Enables user to specify a workflow to be run upon the import. There are four options available:

None - if selected, no workflow will be run.

On Create - a referenced view for workflow selection will be displayed in the editor. The workflow selected here will be run when objects are created on the basis of imported data. A workflow used this way will be usually used to modify the obejcts.

On Check- a referenced view for workflow selection will be displayed in the editor. The workflow selected here will be run when imported data is checked for validity. A workflow used this way can be used to validate the data.

AllWFs - it will be possible to select multiple workflows, each with a different use (one workflow 'on create', another workflow 'on check').



Settings for export


Commit on Count

Defines the number of lines to be committed (saved in the database) in one batch (the parameter actually specifies the number of newly created objects after which a commit is called). A too high number may require too much memory and cause an operation delay or even failure.
It is also advisable to keep the number low (even down to one digit numbers) for testing purposes. If a problem occurs during the import, a problem log is generated after the problematic batch. Keeping the batch low might make it easier to find the problem.

Generate Business Key

If selected, business keys will be automatically generated during the import.

Import Only Valid

Objects will be imported only when all of their existing relations are valid. If a relation is missing, then the object is not imported.

If unchecked, then the object for which a relation is missing is imported and the relation attribute pointing to the missing relation is left empty.

Import with update

The setting influences how CSV import behaves when the imported object already exists in the database.

  - checked: attributes of the already existing objects will be updated with new values

  - unchecked: if one or more already existing objects are found during the import, the import terminates and an error message informing about the duplicates is displayed.



Default values setting

If an option is checked, it allows for setting the default value for the particular value type in order to be used when the value is empty.

Attributes in File, Relations

These two tabs contain referenced catalogs pertaining to mapping of data from the imported file to the target business object type attributes. Tab 'Columns' deals with plain attributes, tab 'Relations' with relation attributes.

Double-click on a line in the referenced catalog opens an 'Edit: CSV Column' editor where column properties (incl. mapping to object type attributes) can be adjusted.

Note: Some of these settings can also be found in the Global Settings under Customizer Settings. Among the settings there are also 2 not yet mentioned:
Character encoding - Sets the encoding that is being used when importing a CSV file
Read increment - the number of objects read from the file/database in each batch. Recommended values are 100-300.

See Also

CSV Import

Import Considerations

Error Reporting