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SMTP settings configure the SMTP mail system.

  • Servername

    The name or an IP Address of the mail server. It is possible to define more than one mail server, with names of the servers separated by semicolons. Valuemation uses the servers sequentially in the order in which they are specified in the field. It tries the first server and if the send email operation is not successful, then the next server is used. If all of the servers in the sequence have been used without success, an error message gets displayed.

  • Sender's E-mail

    Specify the email address to be used as a sender via SMTP.

  • Port (Standard 25)

    Specify server connection port (standard 25).

  • Authentication on Server

    Select this option to enable authentication on the mail server.

  • Username

    Specify user name on the mail server.

  • Password

    Specify password on the mail server.

  • Connection Security

    Select the method of communication encryption.

    • None - no encryption (not recommended)
    • STARTTLS - STARTTLS is a way to take an existing insecure connection and upgrade it to a secure connection using SSL/TLS. Note that despite having TLS in the name, STARTTLS doesn't mean you have to use TLS, you can use SSL.
    • SSL/TLS - SSL and TLS both provide a way to encrypt a communication channel between two computers (e.g. your computer and our server). TLS is the successor to SSL and the terms SSL and TLS are used interchangeably unless you're referring to a specific version of the protocol.
  • Skip Certificate Verification

    Select 'Skip Certificate Verification' to enable/disable verification of the SSL/TLS certificate.

See Also


General Settings

Microsoft Outlook