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Removing Objects from a Collection

To remove items from a collection:

  • all items

ApiCollection.clear() removes all items from this collection. The objects are not physically deleted. The typical application can be deleting persons from a certain department. This relation is stored in “persons” field that the department object has. Having done that, the persons no more belong to this department but remain in the system.

  • one business object

ApiCollection.remove(BO) removes the first instance of a particular business object from this collection. Remove doesn’t allow you to pass an order number of an item as a parameter. As a result, you can’t delete an item, but only a particular business object.

To bypass this limitation and enable removing items according to their order number, use the following combination of get(int) and remove


get returns an object by its order number, which you immediately pass as a parameter for calling remove.

Example - Removing items from collections

We assume that you have run Valuemation and logged in correctly before starting this code. oVM variable now holds Application object. See Login Syntax for the section of the opening code.


Comment: We assume that we hold an existing collection, oCollection, containing some 3 items. This may represent a queue of waiting requests. Now, the first queued request is solved so we want to remove it, which can be easily carried out by calling oCollection.remove.

Example - Task Manager (working with collections)

We assume that you have run Valuemation and logged in correctly before starting this code. oVM variable now holds Application object.

'A queue of tasks and their solving. The "Project" BOType is used  since it has an appropriate


'creates a transaction, gets the "Project" BOType and creates a collection of all projects.

Set oTrans = oVM.createTransaction

Set oBOT = oVM.getBOTypes.find("Project")

Set oColl = oBOT.createFilter(oTrans,"")

'the main body of this script. The cycle provides user with selection of particular function and

’procedures. Entering "0" quits the cycle.


  cmd = 0

  cmd = MainMenu

  if not IsNumeric(cmd) then cmd = 666

  Select case cmd

    case 1 AddTask

    case 2 CompleteTask

    case 3 FindTask

    case 4 PrintTask(1)

    case 5 PrintTask(InputBox("Insert index of task (1.." & oColl.length_

& "):"))

  End Select

Loop While cmd<>0

'function implementing the main menu dialogue

Function MainMenu()

  sTmp = "There are " & oBOT.countObjects(oTrans,"")_

         & " tasks waiting to complete." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine

  sTmp = sTmp & "Add command number and press OK:" & vbNewLine

  sTmp = sTmp & "1 - Add task" & vbNewLine

  sTmp = sTmp & "2 - Complete task" & vbNewLine

  sTmp = sTmp & "3 - Find task" & vbNewLine

  sTmp = sTmp & "4 - Print current task" & vbNewLine

  sTmp = sTmp & "5 - Print task by index" & vbNewLine

  sTmp = sTmp & vbNewLine & "0 - Exit" & vbNewLine

  MainMenu = InputBox(sTmp,"Command")

End Function

'a procedure enabling user to insert a task - creates a new BO, fills its "projectdescription" field with

’the given description. Adds the BO to the last position in the collection and commits the transaction,

’allowing for further work

Sub AddTask

  sTmp = InputBox("Insert task description and press OK","Task Description")

  Set oBO = oBOT.createBO(oTrans,true)

  oBO.getBOFields.find("projectdescription").setValue sTmp

  oColl.add oBO


End Sub

'a task is solved - removes the first item from the queue, removes the BO and commits the

’transaction, allowing for further work

Sub CompleteTask

  if oColl.isEmpty then

    MsgBox "Task queue is empty.",vbExclamation


    Set oBO = oColl.item(0)

    oColl.remove oBO



    MsgBox "Task was removed from queue."

  end if

End Sub

'finds a task - looks for a "Project" BO with description matching the user entry, prints the position

’the task was found at.

Sub FindTask

  sTmp = InputBox("Insert part of task description and press OK","Task Search")

  Set oTmpColl = oBOT.createFilter(oTrans,"projectdescription like '%" &_

sTmp & "%'")

  if oTmpColl.isEmpty then

    MsgBox "No such task found!",vbExclamation


    position = oColl.indexOf(oTmpColl.item(0)) + 1

    MsgBox "Task was found at position " & position

  end if

End Sub

'prints a description of the task on a given position

Sub PrintTask(i)

  if not IsNumeric(i) Then Exit Sub

  i = CInt(i)

  if (i>oColl.Length) or (i<1) then

    MsgBox "No such task found!",vbExclamation


    MsgBox "Description: " & vbNewLine _

      & oColl.item(i- 1).getBOFields.find("projectdescription").getValue

  end if

End Sub

See Also


N to M Relations

Creating Collections

Time-related Feature

Listing Collections

Adding Objects to Collections

Appending BOCollections to Collections

Merging BOCollections

Sorting Collections