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Main Parameters

Main parameters are used to store various Valuemation settings, for example, the ones accessible through the “Options” dialogue in Valuemation GUI. Besides, you can also use it to store your own crucial parameters, for example, those necessary for running important workflows.

To read a parameter, call

Application.getMainParameter(path, parameter)

To store a parameter, call

Application.setMainParameter(path, parameter, value, globalParam)


path is a name of parameter set the parameter belongs to

parameter is a name of parameter

value is the value of parameter

globalParam is a Boolean variable (TRUE/FALSE). If selected, this parameter is not user-specific and is considered global, put differently, applies to all users.

Example - Setting main parameters

We assume that you have run Valuemation and logged in correctly before starting this code. oVM variable now holds Application object. See Login Syntax for the section of the opening code.

oVal = oVM.getMainParameter("windowSetting", "winWidth")

MsgBox oVal 'displays for example "1280"

'sets the user parameter "winWidth" for the currently logged user from the original "win-dowSetting" ‘collection to 640

oVM.setMainParameter("windowSetting", "winWidth", 640, false)

See Also

Setting Up Valuemation Environment

Writing Messages to the Log

Getting Valuemation Version

Information About the Running Platform

Memory Services

User_Admin Mode

Selecting Language

Localizing Messages