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Extending the Properties Files

The activity property files provide the language translations for internal labels.

The activity properties files for particular language versions are located in the directory %Valuemation_HOME%\resource\workflow and have names according to the pattern, where XX is the abbreviation for the local language (e.g. EN for English or DE for German).

The keys in the properties file follow a simple naming convention, which we use in the Workflow Creation Tool wizards and in the WCT itself.

Let %MetaClassName% be a placeholder for the name (simple class name, not fully qualified) of the class that provides the meta information of an activity. That class implements MetaMetaNode from the description above.

.workflow.activity.%MetaClassName%.displayText = The name which is displayed as the name of the activity

.workflow.activity.%MetaClassName%.description = A short description of the activity to tell the user what this activity can be used for.

Let %argument% be a placeholder for an input or output argument.

.workflow.activity.%MetaClassName%.%argument% = The name which is displayed as the name of the argument of the activity

.workflow.activity.%MetaClassName%.%argument%.description = A short description of the activity to tell the user what this argument can be used for.

See Also

Writing New Activities

Description of the Activities

Writing an Activity Class

Writing a Class

Writing an Editor

Assigning the New Activity