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Creating a Distribution Network

Distribution network is a pivot object that holds distributions. This function can be referred to as Shared Service Model.

In order to create a distribution network, do the following:

  1. Open a catalog of distribution networks.
  2. Call the Create action (context menu).

    The New: Distribution Network editor opens.

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Below you can find several reference views.

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There are two key reference views:

  • Distributions

    Here you can find the indirect cost allocation table which is used to allocate indirect costs that are shared among multiple services, defining the rules how those costs are spread among the services. From the distribution point of view, it is a reference list of distributions belonging to this distribution network.

  • Plans

    Reference list of plans using this distribution network.

  • Fill in Distribution Network No., supply a status and Description if appropriate.
  • In the Distributions tab, distributions may be created or mass created.

See Also

Distribution Network

Recalculate Percentage

Flat Distributions

Using a Distribution Network