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Return Codes

If the service request is not processed, the following return codes help you to identify the cause of the problem.

Selected return codes (of the Login process):

  • 01 - Undefined user

    Returns message with key: ".webserviceNoUsername".

  • 02 - Undefined password

    Returns message with key: ".webserviceNoPassword".

  • 14 - Undefined workflow or service

    Returns message with key: ".webserviceNoWorklowOrService".

  • 03 - User assigned to more than one client

    Returns list of assigned clients. JSONArray with client ID and description.

  • 04 - Login has failed

    Returns message with translated exception.

  • 16 - Password expired

    Returns message with key: ".webservicePasswordExpired".

  • 44 – Service request access denied     

    Returns message with key: “.webserviceServiceClientAccessDenied”

Selected return codes (of the workflow execution):

  • 05 - Workflow has not been found

    Returns message with key: ".webserviceWorkflowNotFound".

  • 45 - Workflow is locked for merge

    Returns message with key: ". workflowIsLockedForMerge".

  • 09 - Problem occurred within the execution part

    Returns message with translated exception.

  • 00 - Workflow has been executed successfully

    Returns result.

  • 11 - Workflow execution has failed

    Returns message with key: ".webserviceWFCrashed".

  • 15 - A JSON exception has occured

    Returns message with translated exception.

See Also

Processing a Service Request

Accepting a Request

Logging in a User with Provided Credentials

Validating the Service Request

Applying the Authorization Mode

Starting the Workflow Associated with the Service

Sending a Response