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There are several configuration options to maintain the push service behavior in Valuemation.

These options are part of the 'web.xml' file:

  • clientConfig.pushServiceType = OFF | CONTINUOS

    Defines the type of communication of the push service system.

    The possible values are:

    • OFF - the push service is switched-off. This is the default value.
    • CONTINUOS - the initial implementation based on a long-time running HTTP request waiting for push events.

  • clientConfig.pushServiceConnectionRefreshDelay = 60

    Defines the interval between the close/reopen state of the HTTP request listening to the push events (in seconds).

    The Push HTTP connection between the client and server is closed and opened again from time to time, even if there is not any push event fired. The interval is defined by the 'clientConfig.pushServiceConnectionRefreshDelay' parameter and should be as long as the client/server does not fire the timeout exception or any other unexpected error.

  • clientConfig.pushServiceOnErrorRefreshDelay = 10

    Defines the interval between the connection attempts and tries to open a new HTTP connection if transport error is detected (in seconds).

    If a transport error is detected for the push request on the client side, the client waits for the defined period and tries to reconnect to the server. The interval is defined by the 'clientConfig.pushServiceOnErrorRefreshDelay' parameter. The error is ignored on the client side, no error dialog opens.If a session is destroyed on the server, the client shows an error message that the session has expired.

  • pushServiceNodes = JSON array

    Defines set of distributed push service nodes (VMWeb servers) running in cluster as JSON array, e.g.

    [{"url": ""},{"url": ""}]

    If Valuemation web server works as one standalone server, there is not any other parameter to be set. If Valuemation works in cluster, e.g. load-balancing is necessary, the pushServiceNodes option must be defined with a set of IP addresses of all VMWeb servers. There is a configured new webservice node in the CXFservlet named 'VMWebPushPort'. Do not forget to allow to load CXFservlet on the VMWeb startup, check the configuration for CXF framework in the web.xml file. When a request to push a message or start a workflow is registered on one of the servers, all other servers are informed immediately via this web service. The communication is secured with encrypted secret key.

Note: Parameters with the clientConfig prefix can be user-specific. It is possible to create a main parameter with path=VMWeb and a given parameter name and assign it to a specific user.

Attention! The push service is based on the so-called long polling. It uses a long-running request to push notifications from the server to the client. This special request does not affect the user experience but it may disturb measurements of response times.

See Also

Push Notification Service

Examples of Use