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Category Browser

The following API methods are used for implementation of Breadcrumb navigation (in Valuemation Service Request Shop).

To set the actually selected category:

setCategorySelected(ApiBObject aCategory)

Used in Valuemation web to change category selected by the user. Method can also be used from scripts to open the category browser with a preselected category.

To get the actually selected category:


To set the path list of parent categories leading from the root category to the currently selected category:

setCategoryPath(ApiColleaction aCategoryPath)

Used in Valuemation web to keep the categories path selected by the user. Method can also be used from scripts to open the category browser with a preselected category.

To get the categories path list:


To generate the categories path list by traversing the 'parent relation' from the given category:

createPathForCategory(ApiBObject aCategory)

Used when category path is not set by method setCategoryPath(...)

See Also


Getting Started With Valuemation API

Setting Up Valuemation Environment

Working in Transactions


Comparing Objects

Containers and Collections