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Supplier Manager

Valuemation Supplier Manager module strives to reduce the costs and effort associated with assessing, selecting and engaging suppliers.

Valuemation Supplier Manager provides the tools to:

  • Consolidate all information regarding supplier relationships and performance

    All supplier information is centrally stored and immediately accessible. Relevant contracts and orders are easily accessible as well as transaction history and general observations regarding each individual supplier.

  • Classify Suppliers

    From the operational perspective, suppliers can be grouped by the products and services they provide. From the strategic perspective, they can be classified into groups (an A-, B- or C-supplier) according to the level of their importance within the company processes. The classification criteria can be individually specified.

  • Asses and Evaluate Suppliers

    Standardized assessment criteria can be defined and used to assess and evaluate the suppliers. Assessment activities can be scheduled independently for each importance group. For instance, A-suppliers may be subject to a three-month assessment cycle while B-suppliers may be assessed every six months and C-suppliers on an on-demand basis. Responsible persons are automatically informed about the assessment activities that have to carry out.

    The actual assessment is broken down into specific, definable assessment criteria evaluable in the form of grades or percentages.

    Analyzing the overall grade over time may reveal general tendencies in the supplier relationships and spur preemptive corrective actions.

Supplier Manager functionality is divided between two business views:

  • Supplier Support - primarily for users providing evaluation inputs
  • Supplier Manager - for supplier administration, settings and configuration

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