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The Contract Type Editor

The Contract Type editor contains check boxes which determine what attributes are available on the contract items of that contract type.

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Available Attributes



Indicate Possession

If true, the contract type indicates possession. There can only be one valid contract item that indicates possession for one product at any particular time.

Flat Rate Contract

Specifies whether this is a contract type for flat- rate contracts. Flat-rate contracts are contracts for which products of an arbitrary number of differing product types can be accounted.
Does not influence the contract item view.

Planned Expiration Date

If true, then the 'Planned Contract End Date' attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Duration of Guarantee

If true, then the 'Duration of Guarantee' (months) attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Maintenance Included

If true, then the 'Included Maintenance' attribute is displayed in Contract Item view.

Notice Period

If true, then the 'Notice Period' (months) attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Planned Termination

If true, then the 'Planned Termination' date attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Date of Earliest Possible Termination

Does not influence the contract item view.

Scope of Services

If true, then the 'Scope of Services' string attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Purchase Value per Item

If true, then the 'Purchase Value per Item' attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Residual Value per Item

If true, then the 'Residual Value per Item' attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Follow Up

If true, then the 'Follow Up Date' and 'Follow Up Reason' attributes are displayed in the contract item view.

Timed Usage

If true, then a set of 'Timed Usage...' attributes is displayed in the contract item view.


Does not influence the contract item view.

Expiration Date

If true, then the 'Contract End Date' attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Price Guarantee to

If true, then the 'Price Guarantee to' attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Maintenance Planned

If true, then the 'Maintenance Planned' boolean attribute is displayed in the contract item view.


If true, then the 'Autoextend' attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Termination Point

If true, then the 'Termination Point' date attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Maintenance Planned

If true, then the 'Maintenance Planned' boolean attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Termination Note Period

If true, then the 'Notice Period' (months) attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Termination Modalities

If true, then the 'Termination Modalities' string attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Purchase Option from

If true, then the 'Purchase Option from' date attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Purchase Value Currency

If true, then the 'Purchase Value per Item Currency' currency attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Residual Value Currency

If true, then the 'Residual Value Currency' attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

Limitation of Liability

If true, then the 'Limitation of Liability' boolean attribute is displayed in the contract item view.

See Also

Contract Type

Indication of Possession