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It's possible to monitor various parts of BPM and Process Engine itself, monitoring catalogs can show the data you need to know if you have the right role - -Bpm.Process Engineer.

Process Instances for Monitoring

Lists all Process Instances, current and past, and shows basic info about them, including the state. You can view more detailed information from the context-menu.

Process Instances with Failing Activities

Shows all Instances where at least one activity has failed.

Process Instances by State

Lists Process Instances in the tree layout, grouped by State.

Activity Instances by State

Shows Activity Instances in the tree layout, grouped by State.

Activity Instances with Durations

Lists all activity Instances and there duration in seconds.


Current and past tasks with basic information. Can be Dispatched from here with the right role.

Time Events - Caught

Lists all Time Events.

Conditional Events - Start

Lists all conditional Events.

Message Events - Thrown

Lists all message events.

KPI Values

Shows values of configured KPI. See KPI for more information on this topic.

Sessions of Process Engine

Shows the running sessions of Process Engine and some basic details. It's also possible to close the session from the context-menu.

See Also

Support and Maintenance

Failure Recovery