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EPI -> Valuemation

Flows with EPITableMapper functionality:

Different flows which analyze in cyclic intervals the specific data-areas of Valuemation via an ODBC/JDBC-connection with regard to data records that are to transfer, including new incidents, incident-tickets with a corresponding status-change, acknowledgement feedbacks, etc.

After an accomplished fetch of data all flags will be reset to their default value.

Different flows which place new data into Valuemation, e.g. new incident-tickets resulting from the events of the ZIS-System.

In case of an error situation coming about a new entry into the logfile of the EPI is to carry out as well as entries into the quarantine-area of Valuemation.

See Also

Details on the communication between involved parties

ZIS-System -> EPI

EPI -> ZIS-System

Valuemation -> EPI
