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Attachments in Editors

Two kinds of attachment administration are available in Valuemation editors:

  • via the standard 'Attachments' dialog called by an action button on editor GUI
  • via a reference catalog of attachments

Standard 'Attachments' Dialog Called from an Editor

The editor must be customized to contain the action button calling the 'Attachments' dialog. Then:

  1. Click the action button at the bottom of the editor. Its standard name is 'Show attachments' but it might have been renamed during customization.
  2. The 'Attachments' dialog opens. Use it to administer object attachments.
  3. Note that there is a difference between saving attachments in the editor and in the catalog:

    When the 'Attachments' dialog is used in a catalog:

    • 'Add File' button adds attachments to the dialog
    • 'OK' button confirms the changes made in the attachments dialog, saves the attachments and closes the dialog

    When the 'Attachments' dialog is used in an editor:

    • 'Add File' button adds attachments to the dialog
    • 'OK' button confirms the changes made in the attachments dialog and closes the dialog
    • Actual saving of the attachments happens with saving the object (to which attachments are to be attached), that is with clicking the 'OK' button in the editor. This is to prevent the creation of orphan attachments if object creation in the editor fails or is aborted by user.

Reference Catalog of Attachments

The editor must be customized to contain a reference catalog of attachments. If the reference catalog has been added, the bottom part of the editor contains additional tab with a catalog of attachments and related actions. See 'The Attachments Reference Catalog' for more information.

See Also

Attachments in Use

Attachments in Catalogs

The Attachments Dialog

The Attachments Reference Catalog

The Upload file Dialog Box Features