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The file is a configuration file which enables you to set certain Valuemation Web Client parameters outside the installed web application. All parameters defined in the Web.xml file can be set in the file too.

The path to the configuration file is defined through the 'vm.config' system property. The path can be either relative or absolute.

Example (from the Apache Tomcat’s 'catalina.bat' file):

SET JAVA_OPTS= -Dvm.config=C:/Tomcat_TRUNK_java7/

Note: When the system property vm.config is not defined or the specified '' configuration file does not exists, the system uses default values.

The parameter values specified in the '' have priority over 'web.xml' values. The advantage of using '' is that the configuration can be done independently on Valuemation builds and only referenced by the specified path. Similarly, the same parameters can be specified using JNDI resource. The JNDI values have priority over the ''.

The most common parameters are:




Text which will be displayed in the title of the web client window.


The specified url (for example your intranet signpost) opens in the initial login window after every user's logout.


If this parameter is set to true and the SSO authentication is on, a user is automatically re-logged when his/her session to the web server expires.

The default value is false.


If this parameter is set to true, applets can be used in the web client (now only one applet is available - it provides the Paste Picture functionality - see Enabling the Paste Functionality on the Web Client).

If it is set to false, the pages will be generated without the applets (the applets' functionality will be missing).

The default value is false.


Set this parameter (in minutes) to specify the interval of inactivity after which the Valuemation session automatically expires. The value set here overrides the value set in web.xml


The applet providing the paste functionality calls a javascript callback method at the end of its initialization to inform Valuemation that it is ready to be used.

The 'wairForAppletInitCallbackTimeout' parameter value (in seconds) specifies how long Valuemation waits for the applet callback. If the callback is not received within the specified timeout period, applet loading in considered failed.

Default timeout used by standard Valuemation is 15 seconds.


Using this option, it is possible to impact on additional parameters while opening a new window.

If not set, the default value is 'true' due to the backward compatibility.

If set to 'false', no additional parameters will be passed to the javascript function '' and the browser should open a new window as a tab (if this is preferred setting of a browser).

Note: When a parameter is not defined in the file, its default value is used. This is stored mainly in the file \WEB-INF\web.xml.

The example of the '' file:



vmweb.appname=Test application



Note: Whenever you make a change to the parameters in the file, the web server has to be restarted to apply the change.

See Also

VM Instance Configuration Files with Parameters

Web.xml Deployment Descriptor