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Exporting the UML File

Use batch file 'ExportUMLModelTickets.bat' located in the Valuemation installation directory.

rem Copyright (c) 2018 USU GmbH. All Rights Reserved.


rem Runs export of UML behavioural model of described by Model Tickets


rem Exports Model Tickets, their Activities and Product Types into XML file (UML 2.1/XMI 2.1),

rem which can be imported into Enterprise Architect (EA).


rem Parameters


rem -usr <username> ... user name for login into Valuemation

rem -pwd <password> ... user password

rem -condition <conditon> ... query condition to limit exported model tickets

rem -dir <directory> ... directory, where output file will be stored

rem -file <filename> ... name of output file name with extension

rem -root <foldername> ... name of root folder, if not specified file name is used as name of root directory in EA


rem Usage example: -usr gaa1030 -pwd vm -dir "C:\Data\Documents\Tasks\Export Model Tickets" -file "test.xml" -condition " ticketVersion == 0 && modelticket like '%%-C01%%'" -root "Business Model"

rem For EA see

call set_env.bat

java -Xms128m -Xmx256m -XX:NewSize=32m -XX:MaxNewSize=32m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -classpath %TCP% %SECURITY% %EXITMANAGER% de.usu.s3.metamodel.XmiModelTicketExporter -usr gaa1030 -pwd vm -dir "." -file "UMLModelTickets.xml" -root "Business Model"

See Also

Exporting Model Tickets to XMI

Using the Exported File